You will find people that swear up and down their way is right and vehemently support one answer over the other. the age old question: is it better to hunt level 1 monsters or level 2 monsters?

I mean, you get the hunts in a row bonus when you use the multiplier too, but you're going to kill it faster so you won't be using this boost to it's fullest extent. This is because you'll get a bonus for each consecutive hit which will cost you less energy for the kill in the long run. Only ever do this type of hunting using the single hit button never use the x(#) multiplier. Two guilds equal in every other way, which would you choose? The one with a 5 gift level? Or the one with the 25 gift level? Keys allow your guild to boost the guild gift level.īoosting the guild gift level is important because it not only makes the special boxes worth more, it also makes the guild look impressive and can be used as a recruitment tool. It's about obtaining the most keys possible with the least amount of energy as possible. When hunting for your guild, it is extremely important to utilize your energy efficiently. Hunt the highest level possible that you can kill alone.Only do multiple single hunts never use the x(#) multiplier.Only level 1s or 2s (depending on size).What you hunt and how you hunt it is different depending on your objective. But it's important to note that these are two different kinds of hunting. Hunting is one of the best things you can do for your own growth as well as Guild growth.